In Interactive Reading activities, the books used are picture books.

YLAI has developed picture books that are culturally relevant and appropriate for the age and reading ability of children in the early grades. YLAI encourages the use of quality picture books to enrich children’s Indonesian language skills through reading.

These books have entertaining storylines and are relevant to children’s lives. The illustrations in the book clearly support the storyline and are engaging, varied, and colorful.

Ada Berapa? (How Many?)
Hari yang Melelahkan (What a Tiring Day!)
Karang Gigi untuk Makiki (Tartar for Makiki)
Lautkah Ini? (Is This The Sea?)
Poni Bosan (Poni is Bored)
Poni Jangan Lari (Poni Don’t Run)
Raka Bangga (Proud Raka)
Teman Sejati (A True Friend)
Rumah Burung Gatotkaca (Gatotkaca’s Bird House)
Adakah Pisangnya? (Are There Bananas?)
Buah Apa, Ya? (What Fruit is It?)
Cepuk Tersesat (Cepuk is Lost)
Di Mana Adik? (Where is Baby Brother?)
Jana Tak Mau Tidur (Jana Doesn’t Want to Sleep)
Ketika Paman Kala Diam (Uncle Kala Goes Silent)
Lelakut (The Scarecrow)
Tiju si Pemburu Keju (Tiju the Cheese Hunter)
Tugas Penting Kartika (Kartika’s Big Task)
Waktunya Cepuk Terbang (It’s Time for Cepuk to Fly)