In the Guided Reading activities, Tiered Reading Books are used. Graded Reading Books are important because they allow teachers to help students read books at the right instructional level, thus helping each student’s reading ability develop optimally and as needed.
YLAI has developed a Tiered Reading Book Package which is graded based on different characteristics in terms of text and graphic characteristics. Characteristics of texts in tiered reading books include the average sentence per page, the average word per sentence, the complexity of the story, and the structure of the language. At the same time, the graphic characteristics of tiered reading books consider the illustration framework, design considerations (illustration complexity), edit considerations (font shape and size), and the number of pages.
YLAI’s Book Leveling According to BSKAP Regulation of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology
The Leveled Reading Book developed by YLAI is divided into 6 levels. It is intended to classify books according to the level of students’ reading ability. Meanwhile, based on the Regulation of the Head of the Educational Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Agency (BSKAP)Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology – RI Number 030/P/2022 concerning Guidelines for Book Leveling, YLAI’s book leveling can be adjusted as shown in the following table:
Leveled Reading Book Package
Leveled Reading Books Package containing:
75 titles of Leveled Reading Books.
6 titles of Big Books.
6 Teaher’s Guide and Student’s Activity Books.
Leveled Reading Books
In the Leveled Reading Book Package developed by YLAI, there are 75 titles of Tiered Reading Books which are divided into 6 levels. The size of the graded reading book is A5 (15 x 21 cm).
Level A
Level B
Level C
Level D
Level E
Level F
Big Books
The Tiered Reading Book Package is also equipped with 6 Big Book titles which are used for Shared Reading activities. The Big Book size is A3 (42 x 27.9 cm).
Teaher’s Guide and Student’s Activity Books
The Tiered Reading Book Package includes 6 Teacher Guidebooks and Student Activities for each level. The Teacher Guidebook covers the Guided Reading activities and the student worksheets for each Graded Reading Book.